Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Today was a day where we collectively and as individuals could take a stand. Nathan and I have been so concerned and so upset at the direction that this country is moving in. There were TEA PARTY"S going on all over the country. This one in Chino Hills was small but there was supported but most of the drivers going by. Although the Main Stream Media chooses to not acknowlege what the people are saying and trys to call those involved with this movement out of touch, terrorists and radicals, we know better. We enjoy watching Glenn Beck and appreciate how well he expresses how we feel. It was good to see so many people involved in this movement and the support it has.

The main stream media and Hollywood Scene and the politicians on both sides are so out of control. They do not cover the truth or accept another opinion. We are so tired of the viewpoint that you just deserve something with out working for it.

Today a good friend, Diane Rinella sent me an email with a quote that sums up exactly how we feel and I know there are many who understand and agree with us too. I will quote it here for all to read.

Please enjoy the photos and take a Stand for your Country! You are just one voice but one voice that can be heard! You can make a choice to be a witness for our posterity!


  1. Beautifully written! Amen to all of it!

  2. Yes, Yes, and Yes! I am so proud of you for taking a are an example to all of us!
